deaf conversations
Deaf Sensitivity Training

Let’s think about life as it is for many people who are Deaf

Pretend for a moment that you are deaf. You are a good imitator and can imitate just about anything visible. However, your parents and your teachers sometimes expect you to imitate the invisible–SPEECH. People who are Deaf do not hear any surrounding conversation. Those who are hard of hearing may catch a few words here and there of these ambient or background sounds. Given this situation, they are basically removed from the usual everyday goings-on. This is isolating and usually causes the members of the Deaf and HoH Communities to socialize among themselves. When in legal proceedings, they concentrate deeply on an interpreter or pad and pencil communication. Background sound, as you know, can be very important. Idle conversation among others in a room or outdoors may be totally lost. Along the same lines, Deaf individuals do not listen to music. They can’t. Hard of Heading people may hear and enjoy some level of music, but it’s the beat and vibration of speakers or instruments that keeps them and totally Deaf people involved. You purchase a new TV set and the volume doesn’t seem to work, buy a grandfather clock that neither ticks nor dings. You go to the opera and hear no singing, to the movies where the acoustics are not working, to a football game and the public address system is silent throughout the entire game. At home the baby’s cute laugh, the meow of a cat, the ring of the telephone, and the knock on the door all go unheard. You never heard the gentle sound of the breathing of your sleeping baby. From time to time you check the movement of his chest to be assured that he is still in your world. You never hear your coffee boil, your eggs fry, or the toast coming out of the toaster. To you, the whole world is silent and without sound. It’s a quiet life. Let’s talk about a sign language of a sort that is used in dances. Can you name it? Hint: Pacific blue ocean and trade winds. It’s the hula! Picture 4 lifeguards on a beach. Only 2 can get into the water to help someone in distress. Two of the lifeguards are Deaf. If you had to choose, which 2 would you want to get into the water? It could be you in the water? The 2 Deaf lifeguards can sign clearly underwater to understand what the other is communicating? Are you saying I NEVER GAVE THAT A THOUGHT? It is apropos for hard of hearing, too. Deaf and hard of hearing are collectively commonly known as DHH. You go to a mountain resort for your vacation. The falling, rushing, roaring, amazing, breathtaking sounds of a giant waterfall are lost to your ears, but are held spellbound by your eyes. Birds sing and squirrels eat their nuts. A brook twists and runs with clear water. Children run and laugh. All these things have their sounds, but you understand that there is great beauty even without sounds. It does make someone think when these examples are brought out as they are here.

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Can you and will you
Deaf Sensitivity Training

ADDITIONAL CLASS AVAILABILITY DATES-Your colleagues asked. We answered.

Allow me to thank those who attended our Deaf Sensitivity training class for court personnel entitled I Never Gave THAT a Thought!. The positive feedback was appreciated. Some people mentioned that even though many were working from home, and many still are, scheduling time for the intense class can be trying, given the current COVID-19 issues faced by all of us. They seem to change daily even far into the pandemic by years now. With that in mind, you’ll now find dates for court training throughout the year. For Law Enforcement and Public Safety, classes will also be held throughout the year. With COVID19 playing havoc on all training schedules, we have had to make major adjustments that altered travel plans. Yet with all this, technology came to the rescue. Many scheduled on-site training classes have been transparently converted to live, online and interactive webinars. In doing so, the availability to your operation with respect to open dates has been dynamically expanded. Personnel in Chambers of Commerce, Convention and Visitors Bureaus (CVBs) and those in the hospitality and travel professions will be able to benefit from classes starting at different times. If you don’t see a class at a date and time you’d like, call us. To reserve your place, individually or in a group booking, visit our website or call 480 615-8900 in AZ, 661 347-0911 in Los Angeles, 917 267-9645 in New York City, 516 799-2274 on Long Island, NY, 707 340-3733 in Central CA, 919 283-1616 and in Hawai’i at 808 465-8600. We’ll be expanding dates through the beginning of next year soon. If you elect to attend a webinar formatted class, student material will be sent to you via email to have with you during the session. We ask that you purchase an inexpensive pair of earplugs for our dip into the pool of silence. They are readily available at most pharmacies and cost of from $1.00 to $4.00.

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Ludwig Beethoven Piano
Deaf Sensitivity Training

Ludwig Beethoven began losing his hearing when he was 26 years old. I’ll bet you had no idea!

“Ludwig Beethoven—  …began losing his hearing when he was 26 years old. It was a gradual descent into deafness. Beethoven’s ability to imagine in his mind’s ear what his compositions would sound like and the vibrations of his instruments enabled him to compose masterpieces even after deafness had gripped him. His determination to continue in his profession and to pursue what he was most passionate about was the driving force in his ability to overcome a composer’s greatest obstacle. And yet he felt compelled to hide his impairment out of fear of public ridicule and the loss of his career. You would think if others had heard his beautiful compositions and learned he was deaf, they would have celebrated his accomplishments that much more. Be ye overcomers. Perhaps you struggle with social anxiety or you have been suffering from burnout. Maybe it’s an external force like negative people in your circle who gossip behind your back to undermine your success. We all have obstacles to overcome to reach our personal and professional goals. If you can hold onto the passion for what you feel called to do, you will find a way to pursuit it in-spite of obstacles whether they be external, mental or physical.” Brought to you as a public service notice by Tylin Promotions, creators and providers of The Deaf Sensitivity Training Class entitled I Never Gave THAT A Thought!Did you?

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Court Judges
News About Us
Fred Greenspan

See you in court! Yes, we were in court training the County Court staff.

William “Wilz” Prentice and Fred Greenspan presented several sessions to court staff. We were amazed when at a session available to all judges in Arizona, demonstrated about how much those in attendance learned! A great many had no idea of basic points that affect Deaf and hard of hearing that are applicable to that community. Our goal is to cover all courts throughout the country. If you have actual stories about your interaction with people who are Deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) please share them with us. A lot of new information in the class comes from people’s experiences (actualities). You can post your name or elect to leave it out. Visit our actualities page and add to your input it. Go to

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d/Deaf Sensitivity Training is back in Las Vegas, NV AGAIN via LIVE/INTERACTIVE WEBINAR due to COVID19. Reserve today.

This class is a “must take” to understand the specific needs of those who are (DHH) d/Deaf and hard of hearing. About 10 percent or more of the population has some level of hearing loss. You will know how to better work and live together with members of a thriving and ever-growing Deaf community. POST certified for law enforcement in AZ, SC, NV, MT and others. Las Vegas, Nevada classes have been held at the Martin Luther King Blvd., Training Center of the Las Vegas METRO Police Department as well as training centers at the Henderson PD and North Las Vegas Police Departments in Clark County. In Reno, classes were held at the Regional Public Safety Training Center in Washoe County at 5190 Spectrum Blvd. Last year the facilitator was an eyewitness to what was to a call for police Civil Standby for a person who is Deaf who was moving out of a house with a tenant and owner as occupants. When law enforcement arrived, what turned from a call for help for the man in what is called “civil standby,” turned into a fiasco of abuse of power and violations of the federal law, the Americans With Disabilities Act, (ADA) by police. In addition, the person was not violent, yet was cuffed in the back, thereby “gagging” the individual and prohibiting the person from communicating. A live interpreter was NOT provided, but a video connection much the same as Skype or FaceTime was tried. It failed! An officer tried to use VRI (Video Remote Interpreting) which provides ASL (American Sign Language) interpreters through a web-based system. It failed! An attempt to call a local interpreter proved unsuccessful. The VRI did not connect well due to several factors. One was the bright Arizona sun shining on a small smartphone screen. The person did not have eye-glasses in the car which he thought he did not need to move his belongings out of a house. The person was forced onto the ground and scraping burns were inflicted to the person’s body. There was a possibility of a head injury after an officer pushed the person to the ground causing the person’s head to strike the hard ground. Subsequently, a visit to a major E.R.’s burn center was necessary. Fortunately, there were no permanent injuries sustained. However, the acts of the untrained officers could have escalated to permanent injuries and, or, loss of life. The officers were not trained in Deaf Sensitivity issues, quite obviously. The specific agency did not follow up on quite a few training offers prior to the incident and, as far as I am aware, still has not had extensive training in the subject matter for sworn personnel and other staff. Several years ago the New York City Police Department was ordered by the United States Department of Justice to pay a woman who is Deaf over $700,000 as a fine in a similar situation. But wait! A year or so later, the same agency was ordered to pay a woman who was Deaf $100,000,00 by a federal court. And not long after, another federal lawsuit was brought against the City where the Police Department was ordered to pay yet another fine of $80,000 for similar violations. That PD’s training department refused to discuss training and the Chief ignored emails and letters about the issue. Protect yourself and your agency and city/county/state by not only learning what to do when encountering people with hearing loss but why specific actions MUST be done. It’s simply a matter of leveraging. It’s also a fun class to take. There are periodic live-interactive online webinars offered. They are not taped or recorded! Many are listed on our website as dates are confirmed. Some are not as they are private. Join us for an upcoming class. Check for details. You can register on that site or go directly to the reservation pages that show. Address any questions to 702 430-8685 in Las Vegas or 917 267-9645 or via email to [email protected]. Blindness separates people from things. Deafness separates people from people.

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I Never Gave THAT A Thought!, 4-Hr. training in Deaf Sensitivity+a 1-Hr. module on TBI/ABI was given on Long Island, NY, a NY City suburb.

The unique, premiere Deaf Sensitivity Training Class I Never Gave THAT A Thought! was given in Suffolk County, Long Island, NY in  2019. It was a 4-hour, highly intensive class being brought back to the east coast. The Deaf sensitivity class on Long Island was followed a 1-hour module on TBI/ABI (Traumatic Brain Injury/Acquired Brain Injury) entitled Oops–Did I Forget THAT Again? Other online LIVE, INTERACTIVE webinar versions of the training are available for groups and individual registration. You’ll find online dates on this website as they are announced. They are historically presented once every 5 weeks or so, and the days vary to allow for a choice of dates depending on the participants’ schedule. Participants in Deaf sensitivity training learn about the needs of those who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing! (DHH). Participants who complete the class leave with improved communication skills and a better, fuller understanding of one of the more common struggles that society endures: deafness. The understanding of the needs of individuals who are DHH is something that is too often ignored and misunderstood.  The results are that this population is left vulnerable to life-threatening situations and possible abuse of being left behind in society. People who lack auditory and vocal acuity deserve to be understood just like anyone else. Those of you who work in public safety such as in hospitals, urgent care centers, law enforcement, fire/medical, courts and other services whose charge is to protect, often have the most need to enhance and improve the services provided to this population. Also encouraged to attend are personnel of EMT squads, mass transit, city, village and county, airports and airlines, trains and bus lines, etc. This specific class was organized by SCOPE, an education organization based in Smithtown, Suffolk County, Long Island, NY, and was held at the West Babylon Union Free School District, a public institution. We thank that school district for going overboard during inclement weather to make the classes happen. This all resulted in the Town of Babylon headquartered in Lindenhurst, Long Island, New York in Suffolk county, receiving a DEAF VIDEOPHONE system for public use in their North Babylon Public Safety and Recreation Building. We are happy to have initiated the installation which took place in February 2020. The Town of Babylon has an estimated population of 215,0000 residents. If you are employed by a school district, Fire/Medical, Police or Sheriff or other law enforcement agency, you can reserve seats for training classes online or by calling our Long Island, Nassau County office at 516 799-2274 or from Suffolk County at 631 228-7393. Seats for any classes, except for our live, online, interactive webinars are limited, so please register earlyy. CClass materials are sent via email. Upon arrival to an on-site class, you’ll be given a pair of earplugs to join us as we dive into the pool of silence for onsite classes. If you are taking the class LIVE online, please buy a pair of inexpensive earplugs available at most any local pharmacy. The per person fee for both the Deaf and TBI/ABI sensitivity classes is $120.00 in most cases. $90 for the Deaf Sensitivity class alone. On location/on-site classes may be available for groups as well as individual registration, depending on availability. You’ll find online LIVE webinar dates and other classes listed on this website as they are announced. They are historically presented every 5 to 6 weeks. Blindness separates people from things. Deafness separates people from people.

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Doctor and medical staff engaged in a Deaf Sensitivity Training session with a patient instructing in American Sign Language

Enhance Patient Care and Compliance with Deaf Sensitivity Training for Health Care Professionals

In the health care industry, effective communication is crucial to providing exceptional patient care, ensuring proper diagnoses, and maintaining patient satisfaction. For Deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) patients, communication challenges can lead to misdiagnoses, inadequate treatment, and even life-threatening situations. Health care providers must recognize the importance of deaf sensitivity training to meet the unique needs of DHH patients, comply with U.S. regulations, and foster a more inclusive and empathetic health care environment. This article will explore the benefits of deaf sensitivity training for various health care providers and discuss how Deaf Sensitivity’s comprehensive training program can empower your organization to better serve DHH patients. The Importance of Deaf Sensitivity in Health Care: According to the World Health Organization, approximately 15% of the global population experiences some degree of hearing loss. This statistic highlights the pressing need for health care professionals to be equipped with the skills and knowledge to effectively communicate with DHH patients. Deaf sensitivity training is essential for building these competencies, as it promotes understanding and respect for the unique communication needs of DHH patients while also ensuring compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the federal Rehabilitation Act. Benefits of Deaf Sensitivity Training for Health Care Providers: 1. Improved Patient Care: Deaf sensitivity training enables health care providers to understand the unique communication needs of DHH patients, leading to improved diagnosis, treatment, and overall patient experience. 2. Enhanced Professionalism: By understanding and respecting the diverse needs of DHH patients, health care professionals can demonstrate empathy and cultural competence, reflecting positively on their practice and fostering patient trust. 3. Regulatory Compliance: Deaf sensitivity training helps to ensure that health care providers adhere to legal requirements set forth by the ADA and Section 504, reducing the risk of legal action and penalties. In other words, leveraging liability. 4. Competitive Advantage: Offering deaf sensitivity training to staff can set health care organizations apart from competetors, showcasing a commitment to inclusivity and patient satisfaction. Deaf Sensitivity Training for Various Health Care Providers: 1. Hospitals: With high-stress environments and a diverse patient population, hospitals stand to benefit significantly from deaf sensitivity training. By equipping medical staff with the tools and knowledge to effectively communicate with DHH patients, hospitals can enhance patient care and satisfaction. 2. Clinics and Urgent Care Centers: Deaf sensitivity training can help staff at these facilities quickly and accurately assess and treat DHH patients, ensuring they receive the appropriate care in a timely manner. 3. Behavioral Care Providers: Communication is crucial in mental health care, and deaf sensitivity training can empower therapists, counselors, and psychiatrists to better understand and address the unique needs of DHH patients. 4. Dental Practices: Deaf sensitivity training can help dental professionals alleviate patient anxiety and ensure proper treatment by facilitating clear communication with DHH patients. 5. Physicians’ Practices: By understanding the unique communication needs of DHH patients, physicians can foster stronger patient-provider relationships, leading to better patient outcomes and satisfaction. Deaf Sensitivity’s Comprehensive Training Program: Deaf Sensitivity offers “I Never Gave THAT a Thought!”, a 4-hour, instructor-led training program designed to provide health care professionals with a firm understanding of how to interact with DHH patients effectively. The training is available both in-person and via live, interactive webinars, making it accessible and convenient for health care providers nationwide. Deaf Sensitivity’s training program can be customized to meet the specific needs of your organization, ensuring that all staff members are equipped to provide the highest level of care to DHH patients. Conclusion: Investing in deaf sensitivity training is a powerful step toward providing more inclusive, empathetic, and effective health care for DHH patients. By understanding and respecting their unique communication needs, health care professionals can deliver better patient care, ensure regulatory compliance, and set their organization apart from competitors. Deaf Sensitivity’s comprehensive training program, “I Never Gave THAT a Thought!”, is designed to empower health care providers with the skills and knowledge needed to serve DHH patients effectively and compassionately. Don’t wait – take action now to create a more inclusive and supportive health care environment for all.     Ready to improve your health care organization’s communication with DHH patients and comply with U.S. regulations? Contact Deaf Sensitivity at 480 615-8900 to learn more about the “I Never Gave THAT a Thought!” training program and schedule a session for your team today. Experience the transformative impact of deaf sensitivity training on your health care practice and witness the positive outcomes it brings to your patients and staff alike.

Law enforcement officers learning American Sign Language during Deaf Sensitivity Training with a deaf instructor

Elevate Your Law Enforcement Communication Skills with Deaf Sensitivity Training

Introduction: In the diverse world of law enforcement, effective communication is crucial to ensuring public safety and fostering positive community relations. As a professional in this field, you will inevitably encounter people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH). In such situations, understanding and adapting to their unique communication needs can make all the difference. Deaf Sensitivity Training is the key to unlocking these essential skills. This article will explore why it is a must-have for police officers, sheriffs, constables, and other law enforcement professionals. The Importance of Deaf Sensitivity in Law Enforcement: Effective communication lies at the heart of successful law enforcement. Building rapport with the public, gathering information, and resolving conflicts all require clear and compassionate communication. When interacting with individuals who are DHH, the stakes are even higher. Miscommunication or lack of awareness can lead to unnecessary escalation, legal complications, and even tragic outcomes. It happens a lot…even death! In the United States, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA- federal law) mandates equal access and effective communication for individuals with disabilities, including those who are DHH. This includes law enforcement agencies that are required to make reasonable accommodations for effective communication. By participating in Deaf Sensitivity Training, law enforcement professionals not only comply with the ADA requirements but also enhance their skills to better serve their communities. In many cases, the training may help leverage liability. What Deaf Sensitivity Training Offers: Deaf Sensitivity’s “I Never Gave THAT a Thought!” is a comprehensive 4-hour training program designed to educate law enforcement professionals on the unique communication needs and challenges faced by individuals who are DHH. The course covers: Understanding the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community, their culture, and communication preferences. Recognizing and addressing potential communication barriers. Adapting body language, facial expressions, and other non-verbal cues to improve interaction. Utilizing communication strategies and tools that foster better understanding and collaboration. The training is available in various formats, including instructor-led classroom sessions, private on-site classes, and live interactive webinars. This ensures that you can find a solution that fits your organization’s needs and schedule. How Deaf Sensitivity Training Benefits Law Enforcement: Investing in Deaf Sensitivity Training for your law enforcement team brings numerous benefits: Enhanced communication skills: By understanding the specific needs of the DHH community, law enforcement professionals can improve their communication abilities, leading to more positive interactions and outcomes. Compliance with ADA regulations: Ensuring equal access and effective communication for individuals with disabilities is both a legal and ethical responsibility. Deaf Sensitivity Training helps law enforcement agencies fulfill these obligations. Improved community relations: Demonstrating cultural competence and a commitment to inclusivity can help build trust and rapport with the communities you serve. Reduced risk of miscommunication: Deaf Sensitivity Training can help prevent misunderstandings that may lead to unnecessary escalations, legal challenges, or negative public perception. Real-World Impact: Deaf Sensitivity Training has proven its value in various law enforcement settings. For example, officers who participated in the training have reported increased confidence in their ability to communicate with DHH individuals during traffic stops, domestic disturbances, and other high-stakes situations. By learning to recognize and adapt to the unique communication needs of the DHH community, law enforcement professionals can better serve and protect all members of the public, including themselves! Conclusion: Deaf Sensitivity Training is an essential tool for law enforcement professionals seeking to elevate their communication skills and better serve their diverse communities. By investing in this training, your team will gain invaluable insights into the unique needs of the DHH community, ensuring more positive interactions and outcomes. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your team’s abilities and foster a more inclusive and empathetic approach to law enforcement.     Act Now to Secure Your Spot(s) in Deaf Sensitivity Training: With the ever-growing need for effective communication in law enforcement, now is the perfect time to prioritize Deaf Sensitivity Training for your team. Deaf Sensitivity offers flexible scheduling options, including live sessions in cities across the nation and the world with interactive webinars that accommodate a global audience. If you represent an organization with 30 or more team members, you can also schedule a private, on-site training session tailored to your specific needs. For large organizations such as airlines or federal government departments, Deaf Sensitivity can accommodate up to 98 locations through live, interactive webinars, ensuring your entire team receives the necessary training. Don’t let communication barriers hinder your team’s performance and community relations. Act now to provide your law enforcement professionals with the skills and knowledge they need to excel in their interactions with the DHH community. Call the Deaf Sensitivity training office at 480-615-8900 or visit their website to learn more about available classes and training options. By taking this important step, you will not only comply with the ADA, but also showcase your commitment to inclusivity, empathy, and effective communication in law enforcement. Remember: “Blindness separates people from things. Deafness separates people from people.” Bridge the gap and empower your law enforcement team with the essential skills they need to create a more inclusive and safer community for all. Don’t wait – secure your spot in Deaf Sensitivity Training today and pave the way for a more empathetic, effective, and inclusive future in law enforcement.

DHH in Everyday life

The Importance of Deaf Sensitivity Training in Everyday Life

Introduction Deaf Sensitivity is the practice of becoming aware of the needs of people who are Deaf or hard of hearing (DHH), a community that is often overlooked in the world. It is more than just using technological and linguistic means to adapt to their needs; it is about becoming a better communicator and provider of essential services. The world of deafness and its population face many barriers in everyday life, from accessing healthcare to education, and employment opportunities as well as daily life. This is why Deaf Sensitivity training is essential to create a better understanding of DHH individuals’ unique needs and ensure that members of the d/Deaf community receive equal opportunities in all aspects of life. This article will explore the importance of Deaf Sensitivity training in everyday life, particularly in the context of the world of deafness, and provide useful information for readers to become better communicators and advocates for individuals who are DHH.   The Unique Needs of DHH Individuals There are different types of hearing loss, and DHH individuals face various challenges in communicating and accessing services. It is essential to understand their unique needs to provide better support and services. This section will discuss common misconceptions about DHH individuals and how to overcome them.   Communication Strategies for DHH Individuals Effective communication is crucial in improving the quality of life for DHH individuals. This section will provide an overview of different communication methods, including sign language, lip reading, and text-based communication. It will also discuss communication barriers and how to overcome them.   Deaf Sensitivity in the Workplace Creating an inclusive work environment is essential to support DHH employees. This section will explain why Deaf Sensitivity is crucial in the workplace and strategies to create an inclusive environment for DHH employees, including accommodations and communication strategies. It will also discuss common workplace challenges faced by DHH individuals and how to overcome them.   Deaf Sensitivity in Education DHH students face unique challenges in traditional educational settings. This section will discuss strategies to create an inclusive and accessible classroom environment, common misconceptions about DHH students, and how to overcome them.   Deaf Sensitivity in Healthcare Deaf Sensitivity is essential in healthcare settings to provide better communication and accessibility for DHH patients. This section will discuss strategies to improve communication and accessibility for DHH patients, including the use of interpreters and assistive technology. It will also discuss common healthcare challenges faced by DHH individuals and how to overcome them.   Deaf Sensitivity in Public Spaces Public spaces often present accessibility barriers for DHH individuals. This section will discuss strategies to improve accessibility and communication in public spaces, including the use of assistive technology and accommodations. It will also emphasize the importance of inclusive design in public spaces.   Deaf Sensitivity and Technology Technology has played a crucial role in improving Deaf Sensitivity. This section will provide an overview of the latest technological advances in Deaf Sensitivity, including video relay services and speech-to-text software. It will also discuss the limitations of current technology and opportunities for improvement.   Deaf Sensitivity and Advocacy Advocacy is crucial in promoting Deaf Sensitivity and ensuring DHH individuals’ rights are protected. This section will discuss the importance of advocacy for DHH individuals and how to advocate for their rights in various contexts. It will also explain the role of Deaf advocates in promoting Deaf Sensitivity.   Conclusion Deaf Sensitivity training is crucial in creating a more inclusive and accessible society. This article has provided useful information on the unique needs of DHH individuals, communication strategies, Deaf Sensitivity in the workplace, education, healthcare, public spaces, technology, and advocacy. As readers, we can all become better communicators and advocates for DHH individuals by becoming more aware of their needs and promoting Deaf Sensitivity in our communities. Let’s work together to create a more inclusive and accessible world for everyone.

Arizona law enforcement

Thinking Time…yep..Let’s do it.

The verdict in the George Floyd case is history. Yet any ramifications will linger on for years when compliance may slip. Please take a moment to think about the following question as your answer will assist your performance on the job. Is your agency/department well-trained about issues concerning people who are Deaf or hard of hearing (DHH)? In all probability, the answer isn’t YES. Sure, you may have had a taste after a short deaf-awareness session. This is like one slice of pizza being offered to you! Yet you deserve the whole, entire Italian dinner. I know you agree. We made it available to you. You have frequently heard and seen TV and radio commercials about hiring people who cannot hear or have trouble hearing throughout AZ. All that exposure helps the entire community. Now let’s get to the hard-core training that includes points on Miranda, handcuffing, ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act-federal law), and what L.E. needs to protect this very strong and ever-growing community of people who are cannot hear. Did you know that this group has its own culture? We’ll go into why it is so very important to know about. We don’t teach American Sign Language (ASL) as many of you thought when called by any of our staff members. However, we so go into some words and phrases so important and, at times, life-saving, along with teaching  you the ASL alphabet. Last year, the Arizona Sheriffs Association hosted a Zoom video meeting for sheriffs that presented some new tools to assist L.E. The Deaf sensitivity training class was among them. As a suggestion from the Pinal County Sheriffs Office, classes will have many different starting times. This will be extremely helpful in assigning key personnel to take the class on the weekends or at midnight or 1700-hours. You will see dates and times listed on the website The overnight classes are only presented in a live, interactive online webinar format.   Call us for more information.  In  L.A., Calif. 661 347-0-9-1-1; In Hawai’i, 808 465-8600; In NY City 917 267-9645; In Phoenix metro, Arizona, 480 615-8900; In Tucson, Arizona, 520 407-6606